Seeking Alarm Clock

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Seeking Alarm Clock


can plug into wall for power
snooze button
reliable (not too many complaints of failure in reviews)
no radio or other useless functions
no display of date, temperature, or other useless info
digital (no moving hands that can break)

After looking for an hour, it seems that this utopian alarm clock does not exist.  I will keep looking, but if anyone knows of such an alarm clock, please let me know.
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Re: Seeking Alarm Clock

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Seeking Alarm Clock

To be honest, my concern with old alarm clocks is the ticking.  50 years ago, I could go into a store and talk to an intelligent sales person to pick a quiet clock.  Buying online makes this harder.
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Re: Seeking Alarm Clock

Certified sex worker ;P
Why not use your mobile phone as your alarm clock?
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: Seeking Alarm Clock

I hate modern phones, the user interface is horrible.  I looked at the alarm clock app on my android phone and it is horribly overcomplicated, as I would expect.

Anyway, I ordered this: