Rust, a popular programming language with the tech giants. Oozes evil

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Rust, a popular programming language with the tech giants. Oozes evil

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Rust is a programming language that’s is becoming popular with the tech giants. In Fschmidt’s definition that language just oozes evil.

It is originally meant to be an extension of C/C++that is optimized to run efficiently in a low level, have concurrent threading, be protected from memory leaks and garbage collection.

The creator of the language originally had the best intentions but failed miserably in execution. It is plagued with mishmash of unreadable syntax, symbols, and impractical concepts.

I am currently programming it now on my own using a

book that teach Rust via 2D game development. Apparently the authors been programming since childhood, during the PASCAL days, but the overall design is just plagued with modernity.

I bought the book to learn Rust out of curiosity and my love for gaming. But it just gave me insight into the evilness that has become popular with the status quo.