“Russians accomplished in 2 months what the French could not do in 9 years”

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“Russians accomplished in 2 months what the French could not do in 9 years”

Peter (pathetic gooner)
I currently have a part time job at an Amazon warehouse while waiting for Japan to open up. I started to chat about the current affair involving Russia in Ukraine with a co worker from the African country of Mali 🇲🇱 .

Turns out the man is an avid admirer of Vladimir Putin. Reason being that in his home country of Mali, they originally had the French military to supposedly aid the government to fight the terrorists. But the French played both side of their internal conflict, sold arms to both sides mean while took the natural resources of gold and diamond in Mali.

Then the government said no to the French and invited the Russians in. Within 2 months they were able to pacify the terrorists and able to keep peace

He said “when dealing with Americans and the French you have to constantly worry about being backstabbed. With Russians they are more honest. You do this and we do that, the end. America is rich and powerful with advanced technology. Now Russians are catching up rapidly.”