Rightist Critique of Racial Materialism

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Rightist Critique of Racial Materialism


Very good article.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjyjyUtL1IM

Note that ramzpaul completely misses the point.
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Re: Rightist Critique of Racial Materialism


So jews aren't materialistic or greedy? It really looks like the exact opposite!

This articles states as a conclusion that what caused the decay of civilizations is abandonment of tradition, materialism and greed. Then proceeds to state that Israelites are some kind of super and elected people (which of course is the belief of jews, but only they think that) who knew how to uphold tradition and were not victim of the evil of materialism.

I say, I? or rather pretty much everyone? that it is precisely greed and materialism that allowed jews to gain so much control of the world. This is not conspiracy...I don't buy the 9/11 bullshit...but that many of the most powerful people in the world, who manipulate the media and have a certain agenda which does seem inspired by selfishness and greed, are jews.

Thus the conclusion of the article is ironically and self-servingly semitic. Jews have proved to be some of the greediest cultures, haven't they?

Jews believe they are the chosen people. Anyone who believes that has zero respect from me. Are you, Franklin, one of these people? In my other thread you said that you disagree religious people aren't superior. This might point to you being one of those delusional jews. Delusional not just to me, but to 99% of the world. Am I to consider you one of them? I can't change you, so don't worry. Just state where you stand...

Then if my assessment that jews aren't superior at all and aren't less devoid of greed and materialism than any other culture is incorrect, please proceed to inform me. Not prove it to me, but just inform me that it is so, to you.

In my personal experience, the jews and isrealites I met were basically mentally ill. But in this too they are not special. All fanatical groups and cultures inevitably display signs of mental illness with the behavior of its members individually and collectively.

So Franklin, do you think jews are superior...if so, my appreciation for Hitler will grow exponentially. PRIDE IS A SIN...and you thinking jews are superior = sin of pride period, no ifs or buts.
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Re: Rightist Critique of Racial Materialism

This was a enjoyable passage:

“The builder of the family’s glory knows what it cost him to do the work, and he keeps the qualities that created his glory and made it last. The son who comes after him had personal contact with his father and thus learned those things from him. However, he is inferior to him in this respect, inasmuch as a person who learns things through study is inferior to a person who knows them from practical application. The third generation must be content with imitation and, in particular, with reliance upon tradition. This member is inferior to him of the second generation, inasmuch as a person who relies upon tradition is inferior to a person who exercises judgment.

“The fourth generation, then, is inferior to the preceding ones in every respect. Its member has lost the qualities that preserved the edifice of its glory. He despises those qualities. He imagines that the edifice was not built through application and effort. He thinks that it was something due to his people from the very beginning by virtue of the mere fact of their descent, and not something that resulted from group effort and individual qualities. For he sees the great respect in which he is held by the people, but he does not know how that respect originated and what the reason for it was. He imagines it is due to his descent and nothing else. He keeps away from those in whose group feeling he shares, thinking that he is better than they”.
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Re: Rightist Critique of Racial Materialism

In reply to this post by Bjorn
You are like ramzpaul, you completely miss the point.  If you think the author is pro-jewish, take a look at his wikipedia page:


He is a European Nationalist with a brain.  And he has the brains to recognize that what has preserved jews for so long was a shared traditional religion.  That religion has its flaws, but it is better than nothing (no religion) which is what most other cultures ended up with including the West (cultural Europeans) today.
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Re: Rightist Critique of Racial Materialism

In reply to this post by alexanderkristall-meth
That quote is by Ibn Khaldûn.  I have added him to my reading list.
