My meetup club: Historical Chinese Combat Arts

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My meetup club: Historical Chinese Combat Arts

Peter (pathetic gooner)
in the future, a website for this club is needed. I am trying to start a whole genre of combat sport off of traditional chinese martial arts

here are some youtube videos of our duels

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Re: My meetup club: Historical Chinese Combat Arts

Allen cocksucker
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Re: My meetup club: Historical Chinese Combat Arts

Allen cocksucker
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Re: My meetup club: Historical Chinese Combat Arts

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Those sports are performance based where as what I am trying to do is create a contact based fighting sport based on weapon dueling like kendo, fencing, and escrima. In other words, HEMA based on Chinese arts.

Other contact sports based on TCM included Sanda(kicking boxing) and Shuai jiao (wrestling).

On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 4:28 AM Allen [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
OK what Chinese call broadswords do in fact look like big machetes for some reason. But aren't there already sports based around TCM? When I taught English in China my students seemed to think that Kung Fu and various weapon arts were also sports.

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