My frustrations: borders closed, anti Asian hate crimes, Asian passiveness, animal farm

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My frustrations: borders closed, anti Asian hate crimes, Asian passiveness, animal farm

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Franklin is correct that right now America is undergoing a socialist revolution that bodies the worst of nazism and Marxism

Parallel to the Marxist vision of the class war we see American left starting a race war, as in a country like America people Identify with their race more than with their socio economic class

Like George Orwell’s Animal Farm, now the opposition is defeated, the race war starting (black on Asian ie honorary whites, violence)

I predict next step will be opening the borders to the south, have massive immigration to replace the black vote after blacks get rid of honorary whites (Asians)

Asians in America are too passive to take action to defend themselves. A lot of them are too lazy or have no interest to train in self defense. Asians in the blue parts of the country have difficulty getting guns.

I can’t even leave the country now due to the countries I want to escape to ie Japan and China both have closed borders.

Are we sitting ducks?

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Re: My frustrations: borders closed, anti Asian hate crimes, Asian passiveness, animal farm
