My Synagogue Search

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My Synagogue Search

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This is my plan for searching for a synagogue that is compatible with Biblic Judaism.

I will search one geographic area at a time.  First I will contact all Orthodox synagogues and check if they accept Noahides.  Those that do not can be eliminated as intolerant racists.  Then I will go to the area and schedule meetings with all the Orthodox rabbis who accept Noahides.  In each meeting, I will determine if the rabbi meets these 2 criteria:

1.  Respects Biblic Judaism.
2.  Rejects modern culture.

I will explain these.

1.  Respects Biblic Judaism.

Before attending the Greek Orthodox church where I live, I met with the priest and told him that I am looking for moral community, so I am interested in attending his church.  But his Christ is not my God, so I will not worship his Christ.  But neither will I criticize his Christ or his religion.  I asked him if this is acceptable and he said yes.  I attended that church for about 1.5 years and left because their religion is ineffective in defending morality against modern culture.

I would ask basically the same thing of an Orthodox rabbi.  For me, the Talmud is no different than the New Testament, neither is relevant to my religion.  I will no more follow the Talmud than worship Christ.  Just as I respect Christianity, I would respect Orthodox Judaism, but neither is my religion.  I would ask the rabbi to respect this and to understand that my religion is Biblic Judaism.  I do not proselytize.  I have no interest in converting Christians or Orthodox Jews to my beliefs.  But just as in church I told people that I am not Christian, I will tell people in synagogue that I am not Talmudic.

2.  Rejects modern culture.

The rabbi must recognize that modern culture is evil.  If he fails to recognize this, then he is worthless because he doesn't know the difference between good and evil.  Furthermore, he must actively work to shield members of the synagogue from the evil influence of modern culture.  Without this, there can be no morality in the synagogue.
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Re: My Synagogue Search

I will keep a list of questions to ask rabbis here:

- What will you do for someone who gets married?
- Will you include a non-jewish person in the week's health related announcements?
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Re: My Synagogue Search

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- Will you make an announcement, acknowledgment or l'chaim for a married couple that has a child?
- Will you make an announcement, acknowledgment or l'chaim if someone passes away?
- Can children play with Jewish children?
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Re: My Synagogue Search

- Can non-Jews donate to the synagogue?