Yes the Enlightenment supported individual liberty, which I consider a good thing.
Yes the Enlightenment produced technology, which I consider a good thing.
Yes the Enlightenment let to the industrial revolution, which I consider a good thing. No this doesn't lead to mass centralization. Late Rome also had mass centralization. In our time, mass centralization is the result of corporations which shouldn't exist and aren't a product of the Enlightenment.
Globalism is the product of Christianity itself, not the Enlightenment. Francis Bacon is considered to be before the Enlightenment, so your quote supports my point.
The higher a culture rises, the more damage it does when it falls. This was also true of Athens which did huge harm by spreading Plato. The Enlightenment did not solve the problem of eventual cultural decay, but I don't blame the Enlightenment for this. Both Ancient Athens and early America were high points in human history.