Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

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Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

This Muslim is a verbose moron.  I can't tolerate listening to him.  I think my discussion was much better.
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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

All serious Muslims recognize modern Western culture as being the problem.

He doesn't recognize the faults of liberalism.  He confuses liberalism with the Enlightenment.  He thinks the problem is liberty which is totally wrong.  I didn't listen enough to know what he says about American conservatism.

Serious Muslims are generally tolerant, so nothing special there.  But blaming a race for an ideology is both stupid and counter to Islam.

Of course only morons have mass appeal, which is why the internet is a wasteland.

He is incredibly repetitive.  There are better ways to spend one's time than listening to him repeat himself over and over again.
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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

OmegaKV wrote
I think what he was referring to by liberty was solely individual liberty, which is how the modern West sees liberty. It is not good to place too high a value on this because it can for example interfere with group level liberty. The individual liberty to dress like a slut interferes with the society's liberty to be a modest society.
He specifically criticized the Enlightenment which was a period of sane individual liberty (freedom but not to harm others) and was very conservative.  In other words, what he wants is an authoritarian cesspool.  This kind of thinking helps explain why modern Muslim societies are so pathetic.

If whites caused the mess then they are to blame. That doesn't necessarily mean they ought to be punished for it, but something about the way they were must have been to blame if they were the ones who created liberalism. I suppose Eastern European whites weren't to blame, but I think when he said white he probably meant only anglo Saxon whites.
Only cultures and religions can be blamed.  If he blamed English culture, I would disagree but at least that isn't an un-Islamic position.  He seems to understand neither history nor his own religion.
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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

Allen wrote
Much like modernity in the 1950s. The disease had taken hold but they hideous symptoms had not yet manifested themselves.
We disagree on this.  Catholics are generally against the Enlightenment, but at least they have a coherent argument similar to yours.  But this Muslim had no argument and fails to recognize that the Enlightenment was conservative (at least for a time).
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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

Yes the Enlightenment supported individual liberty, which I consider a good thing.

Yes the Enlightenment produced technology, which I consider a good thing.

Yes the Enlightenment let to the industrial revolution, which I consider a good thing.  No this doesn't lead to mass centralization.  Late Rome also had mass centralization.  In our time, mass centralization is the result of corporations which shouldn't exist and aren't a product of the Enlightenment.

Globalism is the product of Christianity itself, not the Enlightenment.  Francis Bacon is considered to be before the Enlightenment, so your quote supports my point.

The higher a culture rises, the more damage it does when it falls.  This was also true of Athens which did huge harm by spreading Plato.  The Enlightenment did not solve the problem of eventual cultural decay, but I don't blame the Enlightenment for this.  Both Ancient Athens and early America were high points in human history.
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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

If you want to live without liberty or technology, there are plenty of backward countries that you could move to.  If you don't move, then I don't see how you can criticize these things.
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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

You should at least visit a backward country to see if you like it.  You have made assertions that technology and liberty are bad without any evidence, just based on the anecdote of our current culture.

I think that success is the cause of failure for most societies.  This has been true throughout history, regardless of technology and other factors.  And I say that technology and liberty helped cause the success of Western culture which in turn caused the failure.  So are you against success?  Are you against intelligence, since that too is a contributing factor to success?

I am not against success.  Rather, I would like to identify why success causes failure and then find a remedy.  My Arkian idea is my suggested remedy.
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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

tits > ass
fschmidt wrote
I think that success is the cause of failure for most societies.  
It appears to be on a smaller scale, but the larger scale cause is climate. When climate allows individual success to turn into hedonism (through multiple circumstances that have to be intact, including a large enough population, civilization, technology), the decay will inevitably start, and we'll get the waves of cultures emerging and collapsing, until the larger scale waves in the climate are such that they don't allow individual success to turn into hedonism, for a while.
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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

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Re: Muslim vs. White Nationalist DEBATE

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