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Browsers cache DNS results. Why? There is absolutely no reason. As Knuth said "premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming". In this case, there was never a reason to cache DNS results because there is no significant overhead to querying the OS where DNS caching is appropriate. Presumably some stupid programmer working on one of the browsers decided to cache, and the other browsers followed like mindless sheep.
But it gets worse. Browsers cache without respecting TTL (Time To Live) which, according to the DNS protocol, specifies the maximum time to cache. Again why? Because modern programmers are members of modern culture, and therefore are degenerates who don't respect anything that makes sense. The DNS protocol was developed before modern culture became completely depraved, and therefore is fairly well designed. But today's browsers reflect the depraved degeneracy of modern culture. This is my latest encounter with the layers of junk of modern software. Here the layer is the DNS caching layer in browsers, which has absolutely no reason to exist. I could write a long book about all the layers of junk in modern software. Why do I care about DNS caching? Because I want to implement DNS failover. And in fact this is another story about a modern layer of software junk. I might as well tell this story. There are two approaches to website failover. One is to have some box in front of the website which can redirect traffic to a backup if the primary fails. But then this box becomes a single point of failure. And it is one more thing to maintain. A better approach (and therefore hated and ridiculed by modern scum) is to use DNS to redirect traffic when the primary fails. Just change the DNS from mapping to the primary machine to mapping to the backup machine. This is clean and simple, and therefore hated by modern scum. When the Web started, this actually wouldn't work because DNS changes propagated slowly, but this has been fixed with Dynamic DNS (and of course this was done before modern culture became depraved). Dynamic DNS is widely used today, but not as originally intended. It is used for servers behind DHCP. DHCP is an idiotic system of dynamically allocating IPs to machines on a local network. As idiotic as this is, it is orders of magnitude more idiotic to put servers behind DHCP since these servers don't have a stable IP. But since this is completely idiotic, naturally modern scum want to do this. To make this work, Dynamic DNS is used to change the IP in the A record as the IP of the server changes. This is done by special software. This is effectively one layer of junk (the special software) being used to compensate for another layer of junk (DHCP). Originally, Dynamic DNS was meant to be a simple flexible way to quickly change any DNS configuration. A simple client tool called "nsupdate" was developed for this purpose. Today there are many companies offering Dynamic DNS, mostly for the purpose I mentioned above. But virtually none offer nsupdate access (only Dyn does, buried in inaccessible documentation). Instead, those that offer access do it through a modern pathetic REST (web based) interface. And in this interface, they only allow changes to A records (which map name to IP). This is completely inflexible. In my case, I want to change the CNAME record (mapping a name to another name). I found only one REST interface that supports this from an obscure company called Zonomi. I will probably use Zonomi because Dyn is a mess aimed at the enterprise market. So here we have another layer of junk (the REST interface) obscuring the flexible nature of Dynamic DNS. And this is completely pointless because nsupdate had already been developed and was a fine solution. Why was this done? Because modern programmers are modern human scum who hate anything that is simple and makes sense, and they much prefer inflexible layers of programmatic junk. Returning now to browser caching in the context of failover, the result will be that failover will not work for however long the moronic browser caches DNS (in violation of TTL). In my tests on a Mac, this varies from about 2 minutes on Safari to 10 minutes on Chrome. Naturally Chrome is the worst, being owned by the absolute worst tech company in existence, Google. To modern scum, 10 minutes of failure may not seem like a long time. But to me, 10 minutes of failure is inexcusable. There is just no reason for it. I wish the hearts of modern scum would fail for 10 minutes so that they could get a taste of their own medicine. But the human body was designed by God/nature, not by modern scum, so it works. Anyway, I will use DNS failover. And all modern software is junk, so there is nothing I can do about it. |
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This is a very good question. I spent much of this last shabbat thinking about learning Hebrew, which is my version of liberal arts, versus programming. I much prefer Hebrew since it takes me away from the modern world as opposed to programming where I am forced to confront the modern world. Hebrew is a pleasure while programming is now a pain. But for me to study Hebrew is selfish and basically hedonistic. It doesn't produce any of the results that I want. Above all, I want Mikraite to work. And I do get satisfaction from saying "fuck you" to modern culture. The DNS issue that I discussed is related to my development of LuanHost which is a cloud platform for Luan. See: These tools should be very useful for Mikraite. They help us to develop web businesses. And they allow us to do web development without dealing with crappy modern software. And there is the satisfaction of saying "fuck you" to modern culture. Sure one can write articles attacking modern culture. But these are largely ignored. There is nothing that modern culture hates more than quality itself. If you confront modern culture with true quality, they will be absolutely horrified and scream bloody murder. This is true of good software, good architecture, good art, or good anything. Modern culture loves what is bad and hates what is good. So by writing good software, I am creating what is poison to modern culture. You can get a sense of this from the reddit post I made linking to this thread. |
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Western civilization is dead. I only want to destroy what has replaced it which is liberalism. If you want Western civilization, the best you can do is to aim for another Renaissance. This would put us on the same side since I support all good cultures. After all, I want to associate with conservative Mennonites because they are good even if they aren't my culture.
Both modern Whites and modern Jews are absolutely worthless. I assume you know the problems with modern Judaism, so I don't need to get into that. Modern Whites are epitomized by Trump, a complete psychopath who has sex with other men's wives and has no morality and no meaningful religion. Trump supporters aren't going to save Western civilization, in fact the opposite, they are the new barbarians operating at about the same level as Muslims and Africans. If you want a Western/European/White Renaissance, then you should focus on a small group committed to sound morals based on a sound religion. |
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In reply to this post by fschmidt
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In reply to this post by Johannes
Obama has killed far more Muslims than Muslims have killed Westerners, and Trump has given no indication of wanting to diminish this. It's true that Westerners don't rape much since women are worshipped. Instead, Trump would just torture Muslims. Is that better?
In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
You can take the best group of people/dogs/cattle/whatever, and subject them to a few generations of bad breeding and they will become genetic trash. Whites are no exception. One of the main purposes of morality is to insure good breeding. So to save a group of whites in an immoral group will just produce white genetic trash.
There are much better options. Besides the religious option that I keep pushing, there is Russia. Russia is white and will remain white. Russia has a decent religion, Eastern Orthodoxy. And Russia has leadership (Putin) far superior to anything found in the West. Moving to Russia and supporting Putin makes far more sense than supporting Trump. |
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I have no idea what Trump will allow, that depends on his mood. He is a classic psychopath and America has never had a president remotely like him. He is like Stalin or Mao in character. Here is a minor incident that perfectly illustrates psychopathic behavior. Islam is in bad shape today, but historically it was fairly tolerant of other religions. I don't know what form it would take in the West. |
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