Math/logic is part of nature

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Math/logic is part of nature

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Re: Math/logic is part of nature

There is no universal sense of simplicity.  See here for what simplicity means.  Even in the realm of math, a breakthrough can make what was complex into something simple.  For example regular waves were very hard to express using polynomials and old tools but became simple with fourier analysis.

The possible diversity of minds is almost unlimited.  Ours are created out the materials that happen to be present here in Earth.  Who knows what kind of minds would exist built with totally different materials in a very different environment.
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Re: Math/logic is part of nature

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Re: Math/logic is part of nature

There isn't much difference between simplicity and efficiency.  My argument applies as well to efficiency.

The reason we have numbers is because we live in a domain of objects, and it is natural to count objects.  What if intelligent life developed in a domain of gases?  They probably wouldn't count, they would think in some different way.