Marriage and Civilization: How Monogamy Made Us Human (book)

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Marriage and Civilization: How Monogamy Made Us Human (book)


This book is very good.  It convincingly shows that early humans, hunter-gatherers, were monogamous.  Polygamy came with agriculture.  The book shows that polygamy causes endless wars.  We know that war encourages polygamy by causing a shortage of men, but it is equally true that polygamy causes war so that single men can capture women from other societies.  This is a convincing argument against Islam, which follows the pattern of having endless wars.
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Re: Marriage and Civilization: How Monogamy Made Us Human

Peter (pathetic gooner)
America has endless wars... and American society is nominally monogamous until recent times...

On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 12:52 AM, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:

This book is very good.  It convincingly shows that early humans, hunter-gatherers, were monogamous.  Polygamy came with agriculture.  The book shows that polygamy causes endless wars.  We know that war encourages polygamy by causing a shortage of men, but it is equally true that polygamy causes war so that single men can capture women from other societies.  This is a convincing argument against Islam, which follows the pattern of having endless wars.

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