Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones are all disgusting hypocrites

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones are all disgusting hypocrites

Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced a federal bill to regulate trans operations for children.  Tucker and Alex Jones support this bill.

What ever happened to states' rights?  Where in the constitution is the federal government given the power to regulate local medical care?  The argument against this bill is exactly the same as the argument against Roe v. Wade.  If conservatives want to make this eugenic neutering illegal, they should do it at the state level.

At this point, the only American political figure who I don't completely despise is Ron DeSantis.
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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones are all disgusting hypocrites

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones are all disgusting hypocrites

If course it would be better if the AMA and FDA didn't exist.  But there is a difference in the case because the real goal of these people isn't health but rather to impose their morality on everyone else.  And this is no different from what the liberals are doing.
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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones are all disgusting hypocrites

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones are all disgusting hypocrites

The point is that this shouldn't be done at the federal level.  It should be done by states or, even better, by local governments.  America's 2 strengths are states' rights and the second amendment.  The federal government is supposed to play a very limited role as described in the constitution.
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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones are all disgusting hypocrites

tits > ass
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I think it's just signaling their signature conservative values that's on the cover, nothing more. It's not going to make or break human degeneration.
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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones are all disgusting hypocrites

In reply to this post by fschmidt
States rights, liberalism, the enlightenment, etc. are all disgusting fruits of modernity.

I dont care if this satanic gender dysphoria is banned on a state, federal, or local level it should be banned.

I hate MTG because she is an adultress whore.

I hate tucker Carlson because he is a paid talking head, controlled opposition, and has been caught on record disparaging his very audience.

I hate Alex Jones because he is a degenerate member of the paid opposition that is ok with degenerate western cultural practices such as pre marital sex, drug use, drunkeness, etc.
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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones are all disgusting hypocrites

2chainz wrote
States rights, liberalism, the enlightenment, etc. are all disgusting fruits of modernity.

I dont care if this satanic gender dysphoria is banned on a state, federal, or local level it should be banned.
Decentralized government increases the chance that at least somewhere will be tolerable to live.  So I support states' rights and the Elightenment, and I oppose globalism.

I hate MTG because she is an adultress whore.

I hate tucker Carlson because he is a paid talking head, controlled opposition, and has been caught on record disparaging his very audience.

I hate Alex Jones because he is a degenerate member of the paid opposition that is ok with degenerate western cultural practices such as pre marital sex, drug use, drunkeness, etc.
I agree.