Lottery Fallacy

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Lottery Fallacy

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Re: Lottery Fallacy

I wrote a post a long time ago against unit testing, but I can't find it now.  Anyway, my thinking has changed and I understand now why modern scum love unit testing.  It appeals to all of their worst values.  They love complexity and reductionism.  I haven't talked much about reductionism, but it is one of the major sins of modern culture.  Good religion encourages holistic thinking, and I think that a program should be viewed holistically.

I used to support functional testing, but now I don't even bother with that.  A good simple program will fail quickly if there is a bug.  So I just fix all bugs quickly, no matter how small.  When I release new code, I just watch the logs for errors for a short time.  That is good enough.
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Re: Lottery Fallacy

I have never written any tests, but I assumed that it was because I am not traditionally trained.