Lessons to be learnt from white leftists

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Lessons to be learnt from white leftists

Peter (pathetic gooner)
It seems to me in the west the white leftists are good at is in fact in exterminating white people. They are clearly better at exterminating white people than God is at exterminating modern scum (though most of those white people ARE modern scum)

What are the white leftists doing right in their extermination attempt?
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Re: Lessons to be learnt from white leftists

Peter wrote
What are the white leftists doing right in their extermination attempt?
They are being useful idiots for the elite who view all races as kinds of farm animals and prefer the more docile breeds.
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Re: Lessons to be learnt from white leftists

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Guess leftists need more violent breeds (BLM) every 20 years when they need votes?