Leaving SaidIt

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Leaving SaidIt

I had been posting on SaidIt but they have started to censor me, so I am leaving SaidIt.  Instead I will post here in this Mikraite forum.  I had preferred SaidIt to Mikraite for two reasons - because I didn't want to clutter Mikraite with chatter and because I could reach more people on SaidIt.  Chatter is no longer an issue because one can find my most important posts through links from the Arkian About page.  And reaching people is no longer important since humanity has become completely worthless.  I would rather talk to myself in a quiet place than talk to a bunch of barking dogs.
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Re: Leaving SaidIt

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Re: Leaving SaidIt

Mikraite will be dead, only a very few people will be here.  Only FreedIt will be a real alternative to SaidIt.  But I am so sick of modern scum that I would rather just talk to myself online than deal with modern scum.