Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

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Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

Alcohol in moderation is a mild drug, sort of the opposite of caffeine.  It just makes one more relaxed, so it goes well with something like watching a light movie.  It is mostly used for socializing since being relaxed can help with socializing, but since I don't socialize, this isn't relevant to me.
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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

tits > ass
In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
The real benefit is that self destructing morons die faster. Legal drugs like that are out there for the same reason that vaccine is for.
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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Is there any benefit to drinking alcohol?

tits > ass
Define "successful".