Is the Old Testament obsolete?

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Is the Old Testament obsolete?

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I don't mean that the Old Testament is obsolete because its ideas no longer apply.  I mean that the Old Testament is obsolete because we are now living in an idiocracy where almost no one has the intelligence to understand it.  Judaism and modern Christianity have no idea what the Old Testament is about.  But Jesus and Muhammad clearly understood it.  I think even Christians during the Enlightenment (1600s and 1700s) had a fair understanding of the Old Testament.  But we seem to be living in the most stupid time in history.  This may be partly because of the dysgenic effect of modern culture.  But also because of the brain damage caused by excessive use of electronics by children.  Whatever the reason, the drop in intelligence that I have seen in my lifetime has been unbelievable, and this may well render the Old Testament obsolete.

Religions can be categorized by whether they work for smart or stupid people.  Islam, Judaism, and traditional Christianity work for both.  Modern Christianity and modern Western culture only work for stupid people.  The Old Testament, by itself, only works for smart people which is why it never produced a popular religion.  But as a part of the traditional Christian Bible, the Old Testament was undoubtedly appreciated by smart traditional Christians.  Today there is no one left to appreciate the Old Testament.  I think it is time for me to accept this fact.
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Re: Is the Old Testament obsolete?

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Re: Is the Old Testament obsolete?

I am not giving up on the Old Testament, or on morality.  What I am giving up on is promoting the Old Testament to the current generation who are clearly too stupid to understand it.  I will keep the Old Testament for myself and study it for myself.  And I will promote morality through Islam and related tools.

One other thing that I am giving up on is find intelligent people in modern culture.  They no longer exist, so I have no reason to deal with members of modern culture anymore, except for something like ordering a burger.  No more modern forums for me, that's over.
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Re: Is the Old Testament obsolete?

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Re: Is the Old Testament obsolete?

I can't judge Jeremiah's generation.  They were evil, but were they stupid?  My problem with modern culture is that not only does it make people evil, but it also makes them stupid.  And what is the purpose of promoting the Old Testament to people who are too stupid to understand it?  This is like promoting the Old Testament to barking dogs.

I gave up on "friends of Islam" because I realized that this makes no sense.  People should just convert to Islam.  Instead I just wanted Mikraite to explain my ideas to Muslims or anyone else who is interested.

I am certainly no good at marketing.  But the question is whether there is a market at all.  At the last Old Testament Discord meeting, 2 other people came and I asked them to give me just one example of a member of modern culture who isn't stupid.  They couldn't.  So I have no reason to believe that a market exists for the Old Testament.
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Re: Is the Old Testament obsolete?

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Re: Is the Old Testament obsolete?

Today modern culture is the default.  So anyone in the West is a member of modern culture unless they follow something else.  I am not a member because I follow the Old Testament by keeping the sabbath, not eating pork, etc.  Varg is not a member because he follows European Paganism by visiting its sites and doing other rituals.  I can't tell whether the author of the "progress debunked" is a member because I don't know what he follows/does.  Ideas are not enough.  One must actually follow something else.