Is Population Growth Actually Desired? Weird Articles.

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Is Population Growth Actually Desired? Weird Articles.

tits > ass
What do you think of these two articles? They go the opposite direction of what seems to be happening (if we assume that COVID is an "eugenics event"), at least on the surface.

The first one says that China needs to enlarge its population, in response to the US that is already doing the same with mass migration:

Does it mean that while its population will grow because of immigrants, at the same time, the US is getting rid of its own population?

The second one is a bit trickier; it thinks the world population is actually going to start to shrink naturally in the next couple decades:

Is it actually a hint that they ARE sterilizing the population?

Both of these articles are about the numbers in general, but they don't mention intelligence & genetic quality in general, which would be the point of eugenics, and thus it would make sense for the West to utilize to remain competitive against China. That was actually my primary assumption of why they're doing what they're currently doing in the West.
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Re: Is Population Growth Actually Desired? Weird Articles.

You are already being sterlized and im not talking about muh Bill Gates or muh vaccines or any other conspiracy

The water you drink contains BPA/BPS/ and runoff from birth control hormones all which have been shown to either be estrogenic to men or reduce their fertility. This is proven.

You constantly use computers , phones, wifi which have EMF radiation and are shown to reduce testosterone this is proven.

Many foods contain unfermented soy additives which is estrogenic. THis is proven.

All of these things are reducing male fertility and vigor.
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Re: Is Population Growth Actually Desired? Weird Articles.

tits > ass
2chainz wrote
You are already being sterlized and im not talking about muh Bill Gates or muh vaccines or any other conspiracy
No doubt. So if it's intentional and not just a side effect of the degenerate population, what do you think, who are behind all this, and what do they intend to achieve with it?