Interested in your endeavor

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Interested in your endeavor

My name is Isaac.

I identify as a Neoreactionary, but I can clearly see that Neoreaction is an intellectual perspective and offers no actual solution to the moral/spiritual crises of the modern world. The old testament seems to be the most promising religious text to use as a basis for cultural/moral renaissance in the west.

I've been attending Christian church lately, but there is a weakness and subservience to Christian doctrine that I abhor. I also don't think I can truly believe in the literal Deity of Jesus. To Christians this makes me a heretic.

I search for something that is robust enough to withstand the technological and scientific discoveries of the modern age. From what I can see of your opinions so far, I believe you are onto something here Fschmidt.

For now, I wanted to introduce myself. The email I have attached to this account is my personal email. I will try to check it every day, but any delays are due to the fact that I don't want to link my work email with this account until a later date.

My intention is to get to know those here a little better to see if objectives/world views are as close as I think. I'm always looking for ways to take productive action. I'm tired of talk.

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Re: Interested in your endeavor

Good afternoon Isaac. Thank you for posting on our forum. I'm probably the least intellectual here amongst the group. I recognize the Old Testament as basis for doing anything but I'm more interested in it's concrete application such as creating a moral community where we can live and work together. I encourage you to come to our weekly Old Testament skype meetings. Our meetings are only talk but our ultimate goal is to do more than talk. As proof of this we have for example all met each other in person. We have also flown out to scout locations on where to live together. This doesn't sound like much but relative every other group I think we are significantly less talk and more action oriented.
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Re: Interested in your endeavor

I would be very interested in a Skype meeting. I don't expect pure action. Foundations must be laid thoroughly, and that takes time. Meeting each other, weekly Skype meetings, and location scouting is the type of action I would consider appropriate.

Looking forward to hearing more about your personal journeys and views.
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Re: Interested in your endeavor

In reply to this post by Isaac
Thank you Isaac.  I agree with Drealm, the best way to get to know us is to join our weekly Skype meetings.  Does the current time work for you?  If not, we can try to change it to a time that works everyone.  If you want to contact me directly, you can email me through this forum.
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Re: Interested in your endeavor

9PM Pacific time Saturday is a good time for me generally speaking. I won't be able to make it this week because of a work function. I will block off the following Saturday evening.