Interacting with the Chinese people here made me hesitant to go back to China

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Interacting with the Chinese people here made me hesitant to go back to China

Peter (pathetic gooner)
It seems to me that the younger people today has absolutely no interest in anything that is productive or intellectually stimulating. They have no interest in physical activity other than decadent Kpop /hip hop. All they want to do is play on the phone. They even play on the phone during the language class, even though their parents paid for them to come to class.

There’s this 15 year old girl from Shanghai that dresses very skimpy, plays on the phone in class, barely learns any Japanese, and hooks up with a white guy that’s twice her age. She doesn’t learn anything except she know everything about western hip hop.

There is one individual (18 year old boy)that has redeeming quality is that he’s the only person from our class that plays Go. He worked hard to learn Japanese and is very smart. But he spends time on the phone like everyone else.