If you have money, what would you invest in before the dollar collapse?

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If you have money, what would you invest in before the dollar collapse?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Personally, if I can get the job I want, for every paycheck I would try to give 20% to my aging parents
5% on buying gold
5% on buying guns (and training)
Still have enough saved up for a farming property far from the cities
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Re: If you have money, what would you invest in before the dollar collapse?

Allen cocksucker
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Re: If you have money, what would you invest in before the dollar collapse?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
My dad is rich. And my step sister has a big family. I don’t want my dad to end up in a nursing home to be beaten up by blacks.

I am that failed son, and when your priorities and responsibilities are about others, your motivation would be completely different