I voted today

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I voted today

I just voted.  It was the first day of early voting.  There was a long line, hundreds of people.  It took 1.5 hours to get through the line.  I was the only one there without a mask.  All the other people, hundreds, had masks.  When I went to submit my ballot I was asked "Do you have a mask?" to which I replied "I don't want a mask.".  And that was that, they took my ballot.

This was a reminder of what a democracy of morons looks like.  It isn't pretty.
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Re: I voted today

Peter (pathetic gooner)
We had the conversation before on politics vs society. I remember you claimed it’s pointless to vote because society will deteriorate regardless of who is in power. Why vote now?
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Re: I voted today

I had planned to focus on religion and eduction based on the idea of a slow decline.  But now America is on the verge of going full communist where religion will be banned and I will be forced to leave the country.  This is what I am voting against.