I got an Apple Vision Pro demonstration at an Apple store

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I got an Apple Vision Pro demonstration at an Apple store

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Even though it cost an arm and a leg(a whopping 3500 usd), the guided demo (you have to sign up for it on the spot and have a store expert guide you in the controls), it turned out better than I expected.

It’s capable of taking 3D photographs and videos with its 18 cameras working in cohesion where the images you see has depth.

It has no controllers and it can detect your hands in the virtual space and recognize your gestures.

For developers to make apps for the device you have to be a license Apple dev (with the price of 107 dollars) so you can download the sdk

Anyone here got Apple Vision Pro demo? I suggest going to Apple Store to try it and tell us what you think. I think it’s better than Meta Quest 2