Hind bint Utbah, the queen of shit-testers

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Hind bint Utbah, the queen of shit-testers

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Just reading up about Islam and Mohammed's companions. One of them stood out was the individual Hind bint Utbah, a noble woman in Mecca that originally opposed Mohammed then became a Muslim. In two occasions she was able to turn the tide of battle by shaming the men.

"On, ye sons of Abdaldar,
On, protectors of our rear,
Smite with every sharpened spear!
If you advance we hug you,
spread soft rugs beneath you;
if you retreat we leave you,
leave and no more love you."
she cheers the pagan army against the Muslims in the Battle of Uhud

"Led by Hind, the Muslim women dismantled their tents and armed with tent poles charged at their husbands and fellow men singing an improvised song from the Battle of Uhud that then had been directed against the Muslims.

O you who run from a constant woman
Who has both beauty and virtue;
And leave her to the infidel,
The hated and evil infidel,
To possess, disgrace and ruin."
they shamed the Muslim men into returning to the fields against the Roman army.