Help me become a fitness guru

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Help me become a fitness guru

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

tits > ass
Body type is determined by genetics, including things like muscle mass, muscle attachment or bone structure. It can be changed artificially somewhat with lots of effort and an unnatural diet, with often detrimental side effects, and still, a stocky guy with a body ideal for wrestling or weight lifting will never turn into a lean rock climber or long distance runner.

Allen wrote
1. What is a good name for this concept?

You will never become a fitness guru.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

tits > ass
Anyone who seriously thinks that a person can go from one somatotype to another by following a specific workout & diet strategy has no place in the field of either fitness or dietetics:
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

tits > ass
Modern scum like Allen, the humorless arrogant idiot has a hard time grasping the concept of empiricism. They think everything is a tabula rasa that can be shaped into anything else, including human beings.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

tits > ass
If I were you I would stop posting. You keep embarrassing yourself with your bro science.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

tits > ass
Eagerly awaiting your next post on the way to fitness stardom, hex wrench. If you do it right, JP Sears will have an episode exclusively on your methods. lol
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

tits > ass
You need to add an intro, a logo, and call to action text (subscribe, like, comment, share). Make sure you make lots of YT shorts as well, as they are more widely promoted across the world compared to regular videos. For regular videos, produce a video over 10 minute length weekly. Include movement on screen, and utilize 3 point lighting using daylight color temperature light bulbs. For the starting boost, consider buying great amount of views/likes/comments from site like getfans. If you do all this, you'll be able to gain traffic.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

tits > ass
Could you go up to at least 1080p HD resolution, or your current camera doesn't allow it? Maybe get a backdrop as well. Truth is, it's very hard to get a channel into the views on a low budget. :-(

You got the popular hand gestures down though.

But think about the attention span of the average idiot: would they sit through your video? And even if we make videos for the more intelligent minority, the algorithm won't even show the vids to them if the average idiots ignored them.

It's a constant battle against the algorithm, which is also pretty much an AI.

Give TikTok and especially Twitter a try as well. Twitter videos get more views recently.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

tits > ass
In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
See, the algorithm clearly hates white people and topics related to its culture. I went through this and saw it many times on other channels as well, ones that are informative, unique and yet they're buried to the very depth of YouTube, regardless of daily uploads. Impossible. Unless of course we shell out big amounts, but even then we can only be top slaves, Shabbot goyim.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

tits > ass
Creating pages/profiles on at least a couple of the social media sites will also help. You can then post your videos & pictures there. It helps if search engines see "Actimorphic Fitness" all over the internet.
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Help me become a fitness guru

tits > ass
This is too early. You need views first. Spice up the videos by capturing yourself from all kinds of different camera angles, then edit it all together, as people have no patience & interest in sitting through watching a talking head in a static setting, with no color variety whatsoever. Use lots of captions and colors. Come up with a unique logo. Don't use the same thumbnail for each video. Change the picture for each thumbnail to be relevant to the topic, change the color and font as well, and put the text at an angle. Create YouTube Shorts.