Fschmidt, what do you think?

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Fschmidt, what do you think?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
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Re: Fschmidt, what do you think?

Mostly wrong
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Re: Fschmidt, what do you think?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
but you said the exact same things... "if you let women be in power they will invite foreign powers in to take you over"

On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 12:47 AM, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Mostly wrong

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Re: Fschmidt, what do you think?

Peter wrote
but you said the exact same things... "if you let women be in power they
will invite foreign powers in to take you over"
Where is this quote from?

Of course women shouldn't be put in power as I explained in Against Women's Suffrage.  But women will only want to invite foreign powers in if their own men have already failed (as they have in modern culture).
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Re: Fschmidt, what do you think?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
its from your comment in the blog

On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 1:27 AM, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Peter wrote
but you said the exact same things... "if you let women be in power they
will invite foreign powers in to take you over"
Where is this quote from?

Of course women shouldn't be put in power as I explained in Against Women's Suffrage.  But women will only want to invite foreign powers in if their own men have already failed (as they have in modern culture).

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