Financial Markets

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Financial Markets

Any financial problem that can be solved by printing money will be solved by printing money.  Bank fails, bail it out.  Stock market drops, central bank buys stocks to prop it up.  Bond prices fall, central bank buys bonds.  Therefore bank failures, stock market crashes, and bond crashes are impossible.  So how does this end?  It can only end with something that printing money can't fix.  One candidate is inflation, but that would require money to go from the financial world into the real economy.  That isn't going to happen because no one cares about the real economy.  Only the rich matter, and that is who the central banks will bail out.

There is in fact only one way that this can end.  That is for precious metal prices to rise.  This is the only thing that central banks can't control in the financial markets.  They do manipulate precious metal prices through paper contracts, and this is why precious metal prices are so low.  But eventually physical prices will disconnect from paper prices and then central banks will lose control.  This will only happen when enough people lose faith in central banks, and this could take some time.  But it will happen eventually because it is simply the only possible outcome of central banks fixing every other problem by endlessly printing money.

When precious metal prices finally do rise, all hell will break loose because central banks will no longer be able to print money without risking total loss of confidence in their currency.  At that point, the financial system will come apart.  I don't know exactly how, but I think it will be the worst financial disaster that the world has seen.
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Re: Financial Markets

Cryptocurrencies aren't quite like gold because anyone can start a new cryptocurrency.  I don't understand this area very well, but I assume that the cryptocurrencies that will be successful in the long run will be backed by political powers.