Far Right (forum)

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Far Right (forum)


The far right basically includes everyone who rejects modern culture.  So I started a forum for the far right.  Let's see how it goes.
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Re: Far Right (forum)

I am moving this thread into Chatter because I am giving up on this.  The far right seems to be the brightest segment of the modern mental midgets of humanity, but that isn't enough.  They are completely averse to any kind of action.  So I am officially giving up.  I will let the far-right forum die.  I believe that we have found all 4 people capable of understanding the Old Testament out of the 7 billion morons infesting our planet.
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Re: Far Right (forum)

In reply to this post by fschmidt
Bangladeshis, Indians and Pakis are dominating the IT and freelancer markets not by intelligence or by skill, but by clicking all day and working for $0.5/hr. Then people ask why I'm racist. Probably because I can't find work or a job for the last 1 year.