Does secularism destroy societies?

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Does secularism destroy societies?

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Re: Does secularism destroy societies?

tits > ass
There is NO secularism. Today's atheism is a cesspool of macro- and micro-religions, be it mass manipulative ideologies, politics, science & pseudo science or even fandom of sports teams; you name it. By micro, I mean millions and millions of people grouped into each idiotic bandwagon, because the population is so enormous. I'm pretty sure that regardless of his assumed symbolism, the prehistoric man was more atheistic than the vast majority of today's so-called atheists, because he was more in sync with the sensible world. He had to be.
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Re: Does secularism destroy societies?

In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
I think the real problem is rationalism.  Modern atheists are rationalists.  One can have religious rationalists like the Mu'tazila, and they are equally harmful.  You would have to study history to make this case.  I think Rome mostly suffered from multiculturalism, not rationalism.  But Athens, medieval Christianity, and Islam suffered from rationalism.
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Re: Does secularism destroy societies?

In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
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Re: Does secularism destroy societies?

tits > ass
In reply to this post by fschmidt
fschmidt wrote
I think the real problem is rationalism.
This is true, and it's the result of the dysgenic decline. People with weaker senses can't be satisfied with empiricism, so they turn to rationalism for answers, just to create oddly disjointed and unrealistic worldviews.
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Re: Does secularism destroy societies?

Certified sex worker ;P
In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
When you say secularism, do you mean liberalism?

Does liberalism in the 21st century mean anything more than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting?

Is such a society a matriarchy?

Is a matriarchy a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring?

Is a patriarchy a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring?

Is the West a degenerate matriarchy?

Is discovering that your society is a matriarchy the equivalent of discovering that it has terminal cancer?

Is Conservatism meaningless without social conservatism?

Is social conservatism meaningless without forbidding and punishing extramarital sex?

Is bastardy the most blatant evidence of having indulged in extramarital sex which should be punishable by

Is matriarchy against the Noahide laws?

Were Jews chosen by God to teach gentiles the Noahide laws?

Have Jews been doing this properly or at all?

If not, is the Koran a second and better revelation to humanity because Jews have not been able to do what they were chosen by God to do?

Is the only way to restore social conservatism the adoption of the laws of God in the Koran?

Was the American Republic founded on Islamic principles?

What other scripture protects freedom of belief and speech if not the Koran in

Should American social conservatives support a constitutional amendment to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the United States of America?

Or would they be too crippled by their Islamophobia to consider doing such a thing?
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