Discord Alternative

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Discord Alternative

I spent the last few hours looking for a Discord alternative.  They are generally horrible.

For just posting, we have this forum.  But the problem here is that almost no one is listening here.  The reason that the Discord server worked is because I could advertise it, so we could get people to join.  This won't happen on this server.  And it won't happen on any stand-alone forum or chat.

So my suggestion for a Discord alternative is Twitter.  What are the issues with Twitter?  Free speech and lack of response.  Regarding free speech, I was inspired by this post.  Twitter seems to be moving in the right direction.  Regarding lack of response, I joined Twitter and posted and got no response, so I just quit.  But if we use Twitter as a group and follow each other and respond to each other's posts, then Twitter can work for us.  And then other people can find us and we can get some traction there.

I encourage everyone to think about what makes sense.  This can be our main topic for the meeting.  We can discuss this in this thread, and then in the meeting we can decide what to do.
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Re: Discord Alternative

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Discord Alternative

Allen wrote
Discord was worse than a forum.
Then why did you post more on Discord than on this forum?
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Re: Discord Alternative

In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
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Re: Discord Alternative

In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
What is wrong with Twitter exactly?  I am asking because I am not that familiar with Twitter.
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Re: Discord Alternative

In reply to this post by fschmidt
The forums are all no good.

We have a new Discord server, see the link at the top of this forum.
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Re: Discord Alternative

Peter (pathetic gooner)
And if jooz come after us again?
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Re: Discord Alternative

Peter wrote
And if jooz come after us again?
We will limit controversial statements like that 2+2=4 to private channels.
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Re: Discord Alternative

In reply to this post by fschmidt
https://communities.win/ finally let me create subs/communities after a few years, so not completely hopeless.  This is probably the best reddit alternative.  I can create subs for anyone who is interested.
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Re: Discord Alternative

fschmidt wrote
https://communities.win/ finally let me create subs/communities after a few years, so not completely hopeless.  This is probably the best reddit alternative.  I can create subs for anyone who is interested.
Never mind, their crappy modern software lost almost all of the threads in the programming sub.  https://communities.win/c/programming  It was silly of me to expect anything made by modern scum to be usable.
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Re: Discord Alternative

Just make another discord server. Twitter is good but isn't a place where people can join in.  There's pros and cons with everything so we have to make the best of it.  If anyone is a jew we can ban them.
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Re: Discord Alternative

USA wrote
Just make another discord server. Twitter is good but isn't a place where people can join in.  There's pros and cons with everything so we have to make the best of it.  If anyone is a jew we can ban them.
We have another Discord server, see the link at the top of this forum.