Deploying VR apps on unity vs unreal

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Deploying VR apps on unity vs unreal

Peter (pathetic gooner)
The difference in Virtual reality app deployment methods for developers between unity and unreal engine marks the good and bad of software design:

Unity: download the engine specific android package-> engine detects device-> build and deploy on device

Unreal: download various android sdks and ndks on the system, download a variant of JKD, when building you game hope to the almighty the parameters you set builds the android apk, after deploying it on you device, hope your build actually runs on device

the tool maker should not make the user guess by trial and error. it should have a few set options and work. should not require the user to go here do this go there do that.

I am testing it on meta quest 2, fun to play but for developing and testung its frustratimg because it has various different "states" where its not running apps or accepting connection to your pc. modern tech sucks.