Dearborn Michigan

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Dearborn Michigan

The place Peter mentioned in today's talk.

The younger Muslims seem to dress and act like wiggers.,_Michigan

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Re: Dearborn Michigan

Drealm wrote
The younger Muslims seem to dress and act like wiggers.
You mean some younger Arabs dress and act like wiggers.  I can't tell how many or how muslim they are.

The main thing I get out of these videos is how pathetically weak the West is.
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Re: Dearborn Michigan

I'm guessing they are Muslim. In any case here is a video where they are clearly Muslim and also dress/act like wiggers:

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Re: Dearborn Michigan

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Yo yo yo you niggaz takbir!
Allahu Akbar muthafuggaz!
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Re: Dearborn Michigan

In reply to this post by alexanderkristall-meth
Drealm wrote
I'm guessing they are Muslim. In any case here is a video where they are clearly Muslim and also dress/act like wiggers:
Actually in this video the arabs aren't too bad, while the American police are complete fascists.  And I still can't tell if these arabs are practicing Muslims.