Can being principled get in the way of achieving the important things in life?

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Can being principled get in the way of achieving the important things in life?

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Re: Can being principled get in the way of achieving the important things in life?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Considering you didn’t get the house you want, the answer is obvious
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Re: Can being principled get in the way of achieving the important things in life?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
The world is full of bullshit by design. And there’s going to be more bullshit as the world declines
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Re: Can being principled get in the way of achieving the important things in life?

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
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Re: Can being principled get in the way of achieving the important things in life?

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