Build a PC workstation or get a higher end laptop?

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Build a PC workstation or get a higher end laptop?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Looking for suggestions. When I get back to the states I plan to work through a mountain of books and do various graphics oriented projects.

Eventual goal is to make my first commercial game.

For my work station should I get a higher end laptop or build my own desktop? If I were to build my own PC what sort of hardware do you suggest?

I heard a lot of horror stories of people building their own PCs…
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Re: Build a PC workstation or get a higher end laptop?

Get a cheap desktop at facebook marketplace and manually upgrade the hardware, about the hardware u should use, that i don't know,btw what books are you gonna read?.
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Re: Build a PC workstation or get a higher end laptop?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Welcome to our forum! I already built the PC from scratch but I hardly touched it due to busy working hours

I am currently reviewing computer graphics books and OpenGL and it’s shaders.

Reading up on:
3D geometry and mathematics
Unreal Engine
Game AI
Game Engines

Taking Udemy Courses and reading on:
Pencil Sketching
3D art and modeling (learning to use Zbrush)
Vulkan graphics API
Creative Writing

Art and design is my weakness so I am working on that

This is a strange post to make your first post on, btw