Book of Revelation -> current series of events

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Book of Revelation -> current series of events

tits > ass
Book of Revelation might symbolically describe current events.

Satan = Evil NWO cabal's power grab over humanity (Big Pharma+Big Tech -> patented bat CoV -> vaxx -> nanotechnology, DNA modification, eugenics & population control -> transhumanism [])

God's Angelic Army = Solar storm that causes serious natural catastrophe (

The seismic activity has already increased very much in the recent few months, think of the Croatian, the Japanese etc. earthquakes, Mount Etna's eruption and so on. Here's a seismic map:

List of earthquakes:

You may ask, how did ancient people know about the future? They didn't, only these things repeat periodically, just like everything else. When a population gets big enough, the evil part tries to take power, and then natural catastrophes eliminate most of the population.
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Re: Book of Revelation -> current series of events

tits > ass
On the correlation between solar activity and large earthquakes worldwide:

Interrelation of geomagnetic storms and earthquakes: Insight from lab experiments and field observations:

Powerful eruptions on the Sun might trigger earthquakes:

"Further statistical investigations of the results based on cumulative storm hours show consistency with those based on storm days, suggesting that the high probability of geomagnetic storms prior to large-mega earthquakes is significant and robust." Full text:
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Re: Book of Revelation -> current series of events

tits > ass
The increasing solar activity has an effect even on your heart:

It also affects all these things:
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Re: Book of Revelation -> current series of events

tits > ass
Another fairly recent study on the correlation of seismicity with solar activity using proton density data: