Attrition of genetic diversity

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Attrition of genetic diversity

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Re: Attrition of genetic diversity

This logic isn't right for 2 reasons.  First, the parents may share genes.  So if one parent has AB and the other BC then average odds of a child inheriting a parent's gene is 75% not 50%, because B is 100%.  The second problem is that the same genes are spread throughout the population.  So if you have 2 couples - (AB,CD) and (AC,BD) - then the chance of losing genes is based on the sum of the children.  Extend this to a big population, and the chance of losing common genes drops dramatically.
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Re: Attrition of genetic diversity

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Re: Attrition of genetic diversity

The question is whether your identity comes from rare genes, or from rare combinations of genes that are not so rare individually.