An alternative to e-books

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An alternative to e-books

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: An alternative to e-books

Maybe classes would be the best thing to sell.  People seem willing to pay decent money for classes.
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Re: An alternative to e-books

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: An alternative to e-books

I don't know how you would do them.  For credibility, you make videos.  I have seen this model in marketing areas.  People make videos and then sell classes.
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Re: An alternative to e-books

tits > ass
In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
Allen wrote
How would you do them and get credibility so that people wanted to take them?
Word of mouth. People who's got a way to gather clients offline will eventually attract clients online as well, because there's already a real, satisfied client base, and people will sense a degree of trust, so they'll look up your sites/profiles. It's very hard to build it from scratch strictly online, especially if you want to sell your stuff outside your country.