*The following argument is based on my personal convictions and spiritual truths, and it is intended to explain why you should not engage in degenerate acts of a sexual nature outside of procreation with a spouse. Take it as you will.
In this age of darkness and moral decline, we who seek truth and meaning are shunned and criticized while those who commit degenerate acts and sin proudly and openly are held on the highest pedestal by society . You may ask what this steep decline into the most dysgenic, immoral and evil state of society can be attributed to and I say one of the single biggest contributors to this is the misuse of sex! You must understand that this has not been a sudden change but a gradual one. Before this most evil plague of the “LGBTQ” and the enforcement of homosexuality, transgenderism and ultimately pedophillia we were already much degenerated as compared to previous generations. I believe this process first started in the Protestant Reformation and enlightenment when the shackles of the church institution on government was shackled allowing for more acts such unprohibted divorces. This was only the start, as the church lost its grasp and organized religion in the west became divided while not being enforced by the new liberalized governments allowed former sexual perversion to spiral out of control. At first it was underground groups in the 19th century, looked down upon by many but allowed to exist and grow to a capacity. Later in the early 20th century it would start to become worse… if you think transgenderism and the “woke” movement is new to this century you are very much misled.. In post great-war Europe communities of fringe Jews created movements very similar to this sexual liberation woke ideology we see today. It started with the promotion of pornography and deviancy and ended in pedophillia transgenderism and sodomy in public culture and media. This happened in Weimar Germany 100 years ago! I am sure many of you have at least heard of the Frankfurt school, these are the ones who pioneered this movement and hijacked German society into mass degeneration in a matter of years through primarily sexual perversion which destroys the spirit and breaks down families, which was their plan. After being expelled by Adolf Hitler, they came to the United States to enact their agenda of “cultural Marxism” although this time; gradually. In a matter of several decades in the US we went from a relatively pure moral Christian culture go te an near unheard of moral decline, all driven through the misuse of sex. They started with breaking the traditional role of the childbearing house wife through fearmongering of traditional men, brainwashing young women in the mid 20th century into seeking “ liberation “ from raising a family to serve as only another slave in the workforce and destroying the family through the absence of the mother to watch her children. They also around this time started to promote sexual liberation through pornography and media, this is what sparked the total downfall. From this came the breaking of traditional marriage and lead to this pleasure based culture we see now. Opening the flood gate allowed perversion and deviancy of all sorts to profligate in society. Now we see sodomy, genital multilation, widespread sex and porn all over media and entertainment, homosexual acceptance and the complete abolition of man and woman and the family in favor of abortIon, pleasure sex, pedophillia and ultimately hell… Our forebearers were much more pure than almost any one to day and that is for good reason . They were sexually pure. Many followed our religious texts from God which lead them to great morality and spirit. The reason why sex for pleasure ultImately leads to this is because sex is for the purpose of procreation and love between one man and woman and not something to lust for and praise… think of Babylon! ![]() The theologians and mystics of all kinds would almost agree that the path to god is through rejecting the desire of animalistic sex. It is clear that sex is of this earth and not of god, in seeking purity we must reject sexual urges and retain our seed in order to raise from the earth back to god. As Moses raised the serpent from the staff on ten ground to Christ at his crucifixion in the NT. In order to obtain manna, we must enter the land of milk and honey which can only be done through rejection of sinful desire. Believe it or not manna/Christ-oil lays dormant inside us all and we must raise it just as the prophets did if we are to achieve theosis; union of man and god ![]() . Heed my words, I have risen the Christ oil and you can if God permits but time and opportunity is limited. Reject temptation and embrace the purity of Lord Christ and God, walk the path of the ancients and tread lightly. May God Be With You, may his truth be revealed. With Christ, you shall conquer sin, but only if you believe. |
I follow the Old Testament which has none of the asceticism of Christianity. I see nothing wrong with pleasure as long as it doesn't cause harm. I enjoy eating tasty food, and I see no sin in that.
The only form of sexuality that is truly harmful is sluts. Sluts are dysgenic. All traditional religions oppose sluts. And all decaying cultures support sluts, so modern sexual decay is nothing new, it happened in every decaying culture in history. |
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