America's picks for president

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America's picks for president

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Re: America's picks for president

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Re: America's picks for president

Of course Heartiste and RAMZPAUL completely miss the point.  It's not about offending women.

Trump's biggest offense was chasing a married women.  In this case, he failed, but he has bragged about sex with married women in other cases.  This shows that Trump doesn't care about other men at all, that he is a complete psychopath (Clinton too, of course).

The second offense is simply vulgarity.  My friends in college were jocks.  I used to play rugby with them (not a popular sport here in America) and go drinking with them afterwards.  We did not talk like this.  Vulgarity reflects a decadent culture.

Lastly, chasing women ruins potential wives for other men.  But here I give Trump a pass since virtually all American women are sluts anyway.

Trump is a perfect fit with disgusting American culture.  Whoever wins, I hope America, including Washington DC, is nuked and these scum are vaporized.
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Re: America's picks for president

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Re: America's picks for president

Allen cocksucker
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Re: America's picks for president

In reply to this post by Johannes
Urban White Americans are a lost cause.  I don't care about Whites or any other race, but actually nothing would do more good for White Americans than to have American cities nuked.  Rural areas are typically white and conservative.

If there is any hope for the future, it is that some small group outside of modern culure grows to replace modern culture.  No culture in history that was as far gone as modern culture is has ever recovered.  I wrote a post about the options here:

Regarding Mikraite, we are neutral on race.  If a Mikraite wants to support his race by marrying in his race, we have no problem with that.  And if a Mikraite wants to support his race in other ways, we are fine with that too.  We just require that a Mikraite is loyal to other Mikraites regardless of their race.
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Re: America's picks for president

In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
Allen wrote
From the tape it is not clear whether Trump knew the female was married.
I think it is clear, but anyway there is also this:

That quote is clear enough.

In any case, if you are in a desperate war for the future of humanity, do you really worry that the only person who can act as a figurehead to rally the forces of good against unmitigated evil has a few character flaws himself?
I don't consider the alt-right to be a force of good.  I would call them a force of chaos who oppose another force of evil (mainstream liberalism).  There is simply no good of any kind left in mainstream modern culture.  So my position is to support good alternatives that can take over after modern culture collapses.
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Re: America's picks for president

Certified sex worker ;P
Trump says he believes in God, and the alt-right is all atheist dissenters of liberalism have available to resort to, while you guys have your religious groups.  

I was bemused to hear Trump calling himself a messenger!
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: America's picks for president

Certified sex worker ;P
In reply to this post by fschmidt
What made me smile was the fact that he had to buy that married woman furniture, of all things. He did admit that he utterly failed to bed her, despite buying her all that furniture, and this made me warm to him. Men sometimes tell these jokes against themselves to make other men like them more, you see.
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism