Adventures in Idiocracy

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Adventures in Idiocracy

I visited San Antonio, Texas to see if it is livable.  It is not.  The southern half is mostly squalid while the northern half is modern America which is even worse.  The poor construction and complete lack of good aesthetics is the same in both.  The only difference is that the northern half has a thin veneer of wealth.  So the north is lipstick on a pig while the south is just a pig.  I prefer pigs without lipstick.

Now for an adventure.  I went to a supermarket with my wife.  She got a few things and we went to check-out.  As we watched the cashier scan our items, it was clear that he was totally confused.  He would put items in random places and seemed to rescan items.  So my wife checked the receipt and he did in fact scan several items several times.  He tried to refund us but couldn't figure out how, so he called a manager who claimed to refund to our card, but we couldn't really tell.  This whole scene would have fit perfectly in the movie "Idiocracy".  I am quite sure that this cashier did the same thing to other customers, but everyone in the store appeared to be retarded, so they wouldn't have noticed.  Not that the details matter, but the cashier was white in his 30s wearing a face mask.  It is clear that being a cashier is far beyond his mental capacity.
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Re: Adventures in Idiocracy

Peter (pathetic gooner)
To be fair, he could be new and/or on drugs