A night for freedom party by Mike Cernovich

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A night for freedom party by Mike Cernovich

Peter (pathetic gooner)
So there are bunch of black lives matter and the women’s march people protesting outside despite the venue was revealed 2 hours before the doors opened....

Me with Colin Flagherty

Me with Mike Cernovich

Me with Stephan Molyneux
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Re: A night for freedom party by Mike Cernovich

Allen cocksucker
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Re: A night for freedom party by Mike Cernovich

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Well, I didn’t talk much with all of them. I asked Gavin McGinnis for a photo he told me to fuck off.

 Surprisingly Molyneux agrees with Franklin on the following:
1. Alt righters don’t have values that they can claim they are better than Islam
2. Western Christianity help founding of modern secularism and statism
3. Modern Secularism cannot last
4. Islam is the most tangible religion for backing of society in the future
I suggest he should bring Imams onto his show to debate and discuss he says that’s an interesting idea he’ll think about it.
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Re: A night for freedom party by Mike Cernovich

Peter (pathetic gooner)
In reply to this post by Peter (pathetic gooner)
Some videos from the event

Mike Cernovich

Stephan Molyneux

Gavin McGinnish

some decadence

people lining up to to take pics with Stephan
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Re: A night for freedom party by Mike Cernovich

I don't think I could tolerate an atmosphere like that.  If I was there, I would yell "allahu akbar" at the top my lungs.
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Re: A night for freedom party by Mike Cernovich

Peter (pathetic gooner)
yes, music is loud, there's alcohol, and the women are skimpy