A Mythology for the New Right

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A Mythology for the New Right

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Re: A Mythology for the New Right


Here is the deleted text:

Jews are not Israelites.  The Israelites were a nation/people that followed the Old Testament.  Jews are an ethnic group, some of whom follow the religion Judaism which is a racist religion based on the Talmud, not the Old Testament.  Modern Israel is an ethno-state.  Christians who support Israel are just useful idiots for Judaism.

Modern Christianity is no better than Judaism.  Both are horrible.  Both hate free speech.  This is why I support Islam.  But I don't have any advice for white nationalists, they seem like a lost cause to me precisely because they don't have a reasonable religion to get behind.
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Re: A Mythology for the New Right

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Re: A Mythology for the New Right

Johannes wrote
Islam doesn't hate free speech?
Surprisingly, no.  I am active on https://www.islamicboard.com/ and it one of the very few forums where I am not censored.  I also attend mosque and I feel much more free to speek there than anywhere else outside my home.  Most Muslim countries don't have free speech, but that is because of corruption which is another issue.

Christianity seems like the best option.  Traditional Western Christianity, not modern liberal cuckianity.
All I can say is - good luck.  Rescuing traditional Western Christianity is a real challenge.
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Re: A Mythology for the New Right

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Re: A Mythology for the New Right

People seem to confuse free speech with freedom of expression.  I support free speech but oppose freedom of expression.  Free speech means being able to express any opinion.  Freedom of expression means freedom to express yourself however you want.  For example, if I wanted to defend my right to take a dump in a public place to express my opinion of modern culture, I would invoke freedom of expression but clearly not free speech.  The same applies to modern art, slut walks, and other such things.
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Re: A Mythology for the New Right

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Re: A Mythology for the New Right

So he had no answer.  This is the irony, that the focus on race basically dooms white nationalists and the white race because race by itself never works as a unifying principle.  What one needs is a religion suitable to a people.  For example, Islam is designed for arabs and similar people without being racist.  I support Islam because the alternatives are worse, but I am probably genetically incapable of actually becoming Muslim.  A non-racist religion designed for Europeans would be the ideal.  One could follow the example of Islam and produce a new book suitable for Europeans.  I would suggest calling Jesus a prophet and dropping the trinity and other supernatural baggage of Christianity.  One could extract the good content of the New Testament and combine it with the best content from the Reformation and produce something sane.  But until I see some reasonable thinking among Europeans, I will stick to supporting Islam.