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Our declaration: "Yehovah is our god, Yehovah is one. Moses and Muhammad are prophets of Yehovah."
The Muslim shahada says "There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah." The first part is "Yehovah is our god, Yehovah is one." This is our general declation. It is interesting to compare this to the first part of the shahada which is "There is no god but Allah." This statement actually violates the metaphysics of the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, truth is basically relative. Since other gods exist in other people's minds, those gods exist for them. This is why the Old Testament never denies the existence of other gods. Instead, the emphasis is on Yehovah being the only god of the followers of Yehovah. The idea of the oneness of Yehovah/Allah is shared in the Old Testament and the Quran. The second part of our declaration talks about prophets rather than messengers, again reflecting the spirit of the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, a prophet is a spokesman for Yehovah. That Moses is a prophet is explicitly said in Deuteronomy 34:10. Of course Muhammad isn't mentioned, but I can't imagine how anyone could deny that Muhammad was a spokesman for God(Yehovah/Allah). If you deny this, then you have no business being under Islam. In summary, this is an example of both the closeness and the subtle differences between the Old Testament and the Quran. |
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 11:13 PM, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote: Our Declaration: "Yehovah is our god, Yehovah is one. Moses and Muhammad are prophets of Yehovah." |
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